My goal is to help churches and organizations get more effective and grow in their influence. If you’re a pastor or church leader and you would like consulting, please check out my coaching/consulting company called Church Leader Strategies by clicking here. Here are some of the ways I might be able to help you:
One Time
- Environmental Assessment. Someone from our team will visit your church on a weekend and make detailed notes. You’ll received a detailed report with specific recommendations in regards to communication, worship service, facility, and environment.
- Leadership or Strategy Session. Some of the best strategic meetings and leadership development meetings are facilitated by someone from the outside. Our team is available to facilitate such meetings, or speak to groups of leaders in your organization.
Short Term
- You’ll get personal help and coaching via Skype and/or Conference Calls.
- Engagement lasts from 1 to 3 months and should be focused on meeting a specific and clearly defined goal that we will work together to identify.
Areas of Focus
Here are some of the issues we can address.
- Leadership Development. Whether it’s your personal leadership or developing leaders around you, this is often the lid for any organization. A great idea without great people will not get far.
- Strategic Planning. Many organizations do things, but most don’t have a clear and effective growth strategy.
- Structure and Systems. Organizations that are experiencing rapid growth or organizations that want to prepare for such growth need a leadership structure and systems that can sustain it.
Solutions are not the same for every organization. Everything is tailored to your needs and your goals. To get started, just send me an email.
Previous Consulting Experience:
ARC of Tippecanoe County (non-profit)
Scope of work: Consulted the Board of Directors and helped them develop a Strategic Plan for the non-profit
MOPS at First Assembly Community Ministries, Lafayette, IN
Scope of work: Provided Leadership development training for the steering team (topics included what is Leadership, the Personality of Leadership, and Leadership Do’s and Don’t’s)