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Top 5 Posts – April 2015

Welcome to May!  Here are my top 5 articles from the month of April: 5. 10 Things Every Wife Needs To Hear From Her Husband by Natalie Snapp 4. Interview With Jeff Goins on Finding Your Calling 3. 5 Ways To Lead An Extrovert If You're An Introvert 2. 3 Thoughts I Had This Year On My Birthday 1. 5 Reasons People May Not Be Following Your Leadership Please take a moment and share your favorite article on Twitter or Facebook.  Comment below and let me know which one is your favorite... Like this post?  Want to join my mailing...

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3 Reasons Leaders Should Attend Conferences

Next week, I get the privilege of attending the Orange Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This will be my second time there and I couldn't be more excited.  There is always great content and the quality of the event is second to none.  There will be literally thousands of pastors and church leaders there being equipped to do ministry better. However, as a leader, it can be tough to justify attending a conference.  Often, the cost is high - between conference registration costs, travel, hotel, and food.  Additionally, leaders greatly value their time in the office and view conferences as having...

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5 Ways To Lead an Extrovert If You’re an Introvert

Leading someone who is different than you can be difficult.  Let's face it, it can even be downright frustrating. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of leading many different people.  Extroverts, introverts, creatives, analysts, organizers, salespeople, and the list goes on. The scenario that quickly becomes the most difficult is usually when you are leading someone that could be considered the opposite of you.  It's hard because you find yourself not being able to relate to how they work and not understanding why they do the things they do.  It can often seem as though they're main priority...

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