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5 Ways To Succeed As An Introvert At Work

Being an introvert is tough.  We're made fun of.  We're misunderstood.  We're judged unfairly.  We aren't invited to parties.  The list could go on and on.  It is a rough life as an introvert...ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.  Maybe I'm over-reacting and over-generalizing. Although all of the criticism we introverts receive is unfair and often unwarranted, I do believe that there are things that we should do to help ourselves be successful...especially in the workplace.  It is not enough, I believe, to accept the label of introvert and then begin to use it as an excuse to not excel...

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Top 5 Posts – February 2015

February was a great month!  ...well, except for all the snow.  But, I had several thousand visits to my blog during the month of love.  Thanks so much for your support!  Also, during the month of February, I had articles featured on pastors.com, ministrytodaymag.com, churchleaders.com, and churchleadergazette.com. So, without further ado, here are the top 5 posts from the month of February: 5. Surprise!  I'm An Introvert 4. 10 Things Every Wife Needs To Hear From Her Husband By Natalie Snapp 3. 3 Things That Introverted Leaders Have To Work Harder At To Be Successful 2. 5 Things I Wish...

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Putting Introverts In A Box

Since I've been writing about being an introvert here on my blog, I've received lots of comments and questions.  The introverts quickly speak up to say that they relate to the things I write about.  The extroverts speak up even quicker to criticize and try to move the spotlight back on them...which is where they're used to it being.  :) The support has been amazing and I'm glad that the things I'm writing about are resonating with everyone.  But, what is also happening is that I'm getting a lot of questions about introversion.  From introverts, it tends to be questions...

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