
magbo system

Top 5 Posts – January 2015

In the month of January, I had guest posts over on sites like FamilyShare.com and Pastors.com where the articles I've written garnered views in the six figures and thousands of social shares.  It was an amazing month!  Here on my blog, I continue to see an increase in the number of people stopping by to check out the content.  Thank you for continuing to be a faithful reader and for sharing my content with your friends, families, co-workers, neighbors and everyone else! Here are the Top 5 Posts from January 2015: 5. 10 Daily Habits Of Highly Productive Leaders 4....

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Why Introverts Need To Be A Part Of Your Creative Process

Over my career, I've had the fortune to be a part of many meetings.  Ok, maybe fortune's not the right word...  I should have said that I've been forced to be a part of many meetings.  Throughout the years, comments have been made about how quiet I am.  People say they wish I would speak up more and share what I'm thinking/feeling more.  I would guess, if you're an introvert, you've heard many of these same comments. Because of this perception, the organizers and leaders of the meetings can begin to exclude you from future meetings. And, as AWESOME as...

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The 4 Keys Of Delegation

Any time that we're working with teams, delegation is going to be central to our success.  As a parent, we ask our kids to clean up their room or make the bed or brush their teeth.  At some point in their lives, we were probably the ones doing those things.  But, we want them to learn responsibility, so we delegate those tasks to them. In business, our capacity or skill level to do everything that needs to be done is limited.  So, we delegate tasks to those that we lead in order to accomplish the mission of the organization. But,...

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