
magbo system

3 Relationships That Keep First Time Guests Attending Your Church

When my wife, Consuela, and I first started attending the church we’re at, we were just another face in the crowd.  Seated in the back of the sanctuary with a couple of hundred other people, this interracial couple with a very young baby stopped by to check things out.  We had been to other churches and tried them, but none of them seemed to be a good fit.  This church was our last try before we settled… But something different happened.  Something different than we had experienced at the other churches we visited.  We connected, in a meaningful way, to...

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10 Daily Habits of Highly Productive Leaders

If you’re a leader, here are 10 habits that should be a part of every day: Organize Your Day – One of the first things I do is take a look at my calendar.  What has to be done?  Who am I meeting with?  Where do I have time to put in the things that just pop up during my day?  What needs to be moved to another day?  If you don’t know what’s going on, you won’t be organized with your time.  Take a few minutes every morning to get organized. Do the hard things first  - Now that...

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4 Times When You Need To Say “You’re Fired!”

It is hardly ever easy to identify when the timing is right to let an employee go.  I have found that the line is gray and blurred between continuing to invest in a subpar employee and terminating them.  For me, I tend to give folks the benefit of the doubt almost to a fault.  So, I have held onto employees far longer than I should have. There are no black and white, steadfast ways to know…but I hope that these four things will get you on a path to identifying when the time is more than likely right for a...

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