
magbo system

A Lost Art That We ALL Need To Find…NOW

It happens in marriages. It happens in businesses. It happens in churches. It happens all the time...every day. We see someone do something (or not do something) and we immediately begin to put a narrative together in our minds about why they did it (or didn't do it).  We begin connecting dots to a story where we only have a very small portion of it. We find ourselves lost in our own imagination - making up a very compelling version of what we think is happening. This may be an ok exercise if it wasn't for one small very important...

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5 Characteristics of Learning Leaders (Guest Post)

Learning leaders are growing leaders. Most growing organizations I know are led by men and women who are constantly learning. They haven’t necessarily invented some new idea that no one has ever heard of. They have simply made a practice of learning from the best, ripping off great ideas, and then making them better. Here are Five Characteristics of Learning Leaders: We lead ourselves before leading others.   The most difficult person we will ever lead is ourselves. Spend the first part of every day leading yourself: spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, get my drift! Lead yourself before leading others.  As you...

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Leadership Development for Busy Pastors

Being a pastor is tough. You have so many things on your plate: Preaching Counseling Recruiting Training Leading Managing The list never ends... Plus, you have your own life and your family! Then you see quotes like this: “Leaders are at their very best when they are raising up leaders around them.” ~ Bill Hyblels “Growing Churches are led by Growing Pastors.” ~ Nelson Searcy “When you stop learning you stop leading.” ~ Rick Warren And you start feeling the pressure to develop yourself, your team, and grow your church. But where’s the how-to manual on that? In a survey...

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