
magbo system

The Difference Between Dreaming And Chasing Your Dreams

There’s this game that my wife and I play every now and then that takes us out of the real world and leads us on a journey of unicorns and rivers of pure chocolate.  We often go there when life is stressful and resources are scarce.  It’s our happy place…if you will. This game is probably the most unhealthy thing in our lives.  It’s completely disconnected from reality and gets our hopes up for things that will probably never come to pass.  But it’s necessary for our sanity. This game is: What would we do if someone gave us XXXXXXX...

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Top 5 Posts – July 2014

Here are the most read posts from the month of July: 5. The Four Regular Seasons of Marriage 4. 5 Mistakes I Made When Launching My Blog 3. Five Leadership Lessons From A Stay-At-Home-Mom 2. The One Questions I Get At Lunch That Ruins My Day 1. 5 Things I Wish I Knew About Marriage BEFORE I Got Married Which one is your favorite?  Comment below and let me know!

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4 Things I Learned From My First Reader Survey

Earlier this month, I opened up my very first Reader Survey.  My hope is to gather feedback from each of you so that I can continue to get better at blogging/writing and to continue to give you information that you want to read.  It’s a win-win really. Thanks so much for responses!  The data is giving me a lot to think about and I hope to use the feedback in very intentional ways. I want to share with you some of the data that I received to help you understand who my average reader is: I have a fairly even...

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