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I’m Back!

Hello faithful readers and new subscribers!  After a few months off of publishing new articles here on my blog, I'm back!!  I want to tell you a little about what's been going on in my world and why I haven't been publishing articles for a few months. But, first, I wanted to point you to a couple of articles that I have written in the last few months over on The Global Leadership Summit blog in case you missed those: 4 Interview Questions to Assess EQ The Surprising Truth About Prioritizing Relationships In March of this year I was elected...

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4 Ways To Know If You’re A Critical Person

I have really been on a criticism kick lately.  Not giving it out like candy on halloween...but considering the idea of criticism.  I feel like I've noticed that we have grown more critical over the last several years.  And we chalk it up to "being helpful" or simply "expecting higher standards." But the reality that I've noticed is that much of the criticism I see and hear comes from a place of selfishness and personal preferences rather than a place of general good and helping someone or something move to a place of greater effectiveness or impact. And I'm as...

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The One Unfortunate Way Everyone Grows As A Leader

I'm not sure about you, but I am a life-long learner.  I'm not sure where I picked it up or inherited it from, but I am constantly looking for more information on how to lead better.  I read books and blogs, I attend conferences, and I meet and talk with other leaders who can teach me new things. And although all of those will help me grow, it seems as though the growth I see from it is incremental.  It's small.  It takes a long time to get good at the principles I learn and it can even have no...

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