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GLS 2017 Day Two – Immaculee Ilibagiza Session Notes

This year, I’m attending The Global Leadership Summit from the satellite location at my home church in Avon, IN.  Once again, I’m sharing my notes from this excellent event here on my blog.  So, tune in for the next 2 days and catch the notes from each of the speakers.

It’s my hope that these notes will not only add value to you as a leader, but also give you some practical ideas to share the notes with your team.  Lastly, head over to my Facebook page to join in on the conversation and let’s share our favorite quotes and take-aways there!

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast LIVE in HD from Willow’s campus near Chicago every August to hundreds of locations in North America. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place at an additional 675+ sites in 125 countries and 59 languages.


Advocate for Peace and Forgiveness; Best-selling Author

Immaculée Ilibagiza is a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide that took the lives of nearly one million Tutsi, including her entire family except for one brother. She survived by huddling silently with seven other women in a 3-by-4-foot bathroom for 91 days. Despite unimaginable suffering, she committed herself to a life of peace, hope and forgiveness. Ilibagiza works with the United Nations and is the best-selling author of Left to Tell.

  • I don’t wish that anyone would see what I have seen – but the lessons I’ve learned have been valuable
  • I used to think that forgiveness was that you forgive someone who said something bad about you, not someone that was trying to kill you
  • It is such a gift to have faith – to know that when you can’t, He can
  • I’ve learned that whatever the Lord tells us is right
  • Love will stop wars around the world
  • We all much think, act, and do with love
  • Be thankful for the people that you have in your life – you don’t know how long they’ll be there
  • When you think things are bad, they could be worse
  • God showed me he was real by saving my life
  • Love is so much stronger than the bad that can happen
  • God told me to ask Him to help me with what I was feeling, but to not ever become like the people trying to kill me
  • If I can do my part, God will do his
  • If you are going through anything, whatever you might be facing, there is always hope.  Hang on to God.
  • If I can forgive, anyone can forgive
  • There’s so much freedom in letting go