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GLS Day Two – T.D. Jakes Session Notes


Each year I attend The Global Leadership Summit from the satellite location at my home church in Lafayette, IN.  This year, I’ve been invited to be a part of the social media/live-blogging team to share my notes from this year’s Summit.  So, tune in for the next 2 days and catch the notes from each of the speakers.

It’s my hope that these notes will not only add value to you as a leader, but also give you some practical ideas to share the notes with your team.  Also, I’ll have some extras for you, so you’ll want to check back often and see what’s happening!  Lastly, head over to my Facebook page to join in on the conversation and let’s share our favorite quotes and take-aways there!

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast LIVE in HD from Willow’s campus near Chicago every August to hundreds of locations in North America. You are invited to join an expected 305,000 people committed to getting better as leaders in 2016. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place at an additional 675+ sites in 125 countries and 59 languages.

TDJakes_ColorT.D. Jakes

Founder and Senior Pastor, The Potter’s House

Bishop T.D. Jakes is a visionary, provocative thinker and entrepreneur who serves as senior pastor of The Potter’s House, a global humanitarian organization and 30,000-member church. Named “America’s Best Preacher” by Time Magazine , Jakes’ reach and presence spans film, television, radio and books, including his most recent New York Times bestseller, Destiny: Step into Your Purpose and his latest film, Miracles from Heaven , starring Jennifer Garner.

  • What gets leaders in trouble is when we get trapped by titles.
  • We put a period that comes from people, when I believe that God put a comma.
  • Often burnout is simply the frustration of not being challenged.
  • If your every day is predictable, then you’re not growing.
  • We need to be challenged every day.
  • Haters are a symptom that you’re on the right track.
  • It’s the things that you learn along the way that makes you who you are.
  • Haters are not always wrong.  Sometimes they’re there to point out your deficiencies.
  • God didn’t call you to change a hater’s mind.
  • If we’re going to affect the world, we’ve got to do it through stories – like Jesus did.
  • There are more people in the theater on Friday night than there are in church on Sunday.
  • You are no greater than the people you have around you.
  • Your dreams should be bigger than you.  If you can fulfill your dream yourself, it’s too small.
  • You’re not really great until you can be around great people and not be intimidated.
  • We kill our dreams by thinking about them as tribal when we serve a global God.
  • At the end of each day, I will never finish everything I needed to do.
  • The art of managing many things is to never let it be the same thing twice.
  • If you have to hold it to have it, you didn’t hire the right people.
  • Juggling is about touching everything, not holding it.
  • Any time you take on new things, it takes you time to learn how to manage it.
  • The biggest problem is not where we want to go, it is what are we willing to give up to get there.
  • How can I give you “this days bread” when you’re trying to hold onto yesterday’s bread.
  • Just because yesterday’s bread goes bad, it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed.
  • Pain is a gift because it draws our attention to something that’s wrong.
  • A problem that you ignore long enough will eventually hurt you so that you can fix it.
  • Racism is more about whether you’ve included certain people in the strategy for success.
  • I could get up on my feet if you didn’t cut off my legs.
  • It’s deeper than “Do I like black people?” and “Do I like white people?”
  • We’re seeing wars now that we don’t have a strategy to win.
  • We need to come out of denial and our comfort zones.
  • Jesus showed us that the person that brought the help didn’t look like the person who needed the help.
  • We were created by a creator to be creative.
  • If you give a person a strategy, it’s better than giving them a check.  Because I’m going to need a check again in a couple of weeks.
  • Leader – you are gifted with multiple gifts.
  • What are you going to do with what God gave you?
  • We’re good at seeing gifts in others, but we should also look for the gifts that He has placed in us.
  • You are more than what they call you, what they pay you, and what they say you are.

Those are my notes from T.D. Jakes.  What did you hear?  Comment over on the Facebook page and let me know!  Also, here’s the last free give away.  It’s another ebook from Bill Hybels.  It’s called Moving from Exhausted to Energized.  Grab it here for FREE.