Top 10 Articles from 2015
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope that 2016 is a year full of great things for you and that your leadership will grow and the influence you have will be used to accomplish all of the goals that you've set for yourself! For me, 2016 is looking to be a year that could include some unique […]
H3 Leadership - New Book by Brad Lomenick
If you are a leader, you'll want to pay attention. A brand new book that I definitely want you to know about is hot off the press. Many of you are familiar with Catalyst, the innovative and experiential leadership movement that has been going on for now almost 15 years, and now one of […]
5 Reasons Change Is Hard
As a leader, one of the hardest things to do is to lead people through the process of change. But, the reality is that change is happening around us all the time. And if we don't change, we'll be left behind. Change is a function of growth...things/organizations/people cannot grow unless they change. The paradigm […]
3 Ways To Be A Better Public Speaker
One of my favorite things to do is to speak to a group. It's mostly because I am a teacher at heart and I really enjoy helping people understand a new idea, deepen their knowledge about a topic, or help them move from point A to point B about a subject. From a young […]
5 Hacks To Increase Your Team's Consistency
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called 5 Ways To Know If Your Team Is Inconsistent. If you haven't read it, would you click on the link and check it out? Now that you've evaluated the team that you lead and you've discovered that they're not as consistent as you'd like them to […]
How Pastors Should Respond To News Like Ashley Madison
The last couple of weeks have given us insight into everything that's wrong with America all in one news event. And, no, I'm not talking about the presidential race. I'm referring to the hacking and subsequent release of the members of the Ashley Madison website - a site that's dedicated to helping married folks have […]
5 Ways That Social Media Is Bad For Us
The social media phenomenon is unbelievable and scary all at the same time. I really thought after Facebook and Twitter - what else could there be? But, now there's Periscope! ...and I'm sure there's many others that I don't know about yet. And, if I'm being honest, I spend far too much time on social […]
Top 5 Posts for August 2015
Thanks so much for being a faithful reader of my blog! As you probably noticed, I took some time off from writing in August...but I'm back at it! Here are the top 5 posts from August 2015: 5. 5 Reasons People May Not Be Following Your Leadership 4. 5 Must-Have Tools For Introverts 3. 5 […]
4 Lessons Churches Could Learn From Hotels
Recently I stayed in a hotel that I would rate as one of the best hotels I've ever had the privilege of spending the night in. I don't consider myself a "high maintenance" type of guy...but when I am pampered, I enjoy it as much as anyone. This was a great experience and made me […]
5 Meeting Tips For Introverts (Guest Post)
Today’s guest post comes from Jennifer Kahnweiler, PhD. She blogs at Jennifer is one of the leading authors on introverts in the workplace and I think you'll find this post full of wisdom and insight! Her new book, The Genius of Opposites, launches today - so go grab a copy after reading this post! […]