Six Ways To Engage Your Congregation And Lead Them In Worship
This is a post from my friends over at The Rocket Company. They do an awesome job of equipping church leaders to LEAD better. Check them out today! Does this scenario sound familiar? The timer on the screen hits zero and the house music begins to die down. The hum of conversations floating around […]
3 Key Areas to Evaluate Your Leadership Development (Guest Post)
Today’s guest post comes from Alex Colon. He blogs at I think every leader will connect with the things he writes about below. Check out the guest post, leave a comment, and head on over to Alex's blog and show him some love! (If you would like to write a guest post, click here.) Have […]
5 Must-Have Tools for Introverts
I'm so glad that today is Introvert Wednesday! It's the day of the week where I take time to write about being an introvert and hopefully give you some ways to either embrace your introversion or embrace the introverts around you (not literally, because a lot of introverts don't like for our personal space to […]
5 Ways To Know If Your Team Is Inconsistent
In a world of overload - information overload, option overload, and overload overload - there are very few things that set organizations apart from one another. Making decisions about where we will shop, eat, and even worship are becoming more and more difficult. Who has the best deal? Where did I have the best experience […]
Top 5 Posts - June 2015
I took most of the month of June off from writing, but people continue to visit the site in large numbers! Thanks SO much to all of my faithful readers! I appreciate you! Here are the top 5 posts during the month of June: 5. Interview With Jeff Goins On Finding Your Calling 4. 10 […]
10 Quick Truths About Introverts
For my Introvert Wednesday post this week, I thought I would simply list 10 things that are true about introverts. Short and sweet. And, I'm sure there's many more - so please post any that I've missed in the comment below. 10 quick truths about introverts: 1. We like people. 2. We love to lead […]
4 Surprising Reasons Every Leader Should Be On Social Media
I remember the days when MySpace first came out. Since I was out of the target market age for this new invention, I had never heard of it before a 21 year old college student showed it to me. I, like many others in my demographic, did not buy in right away. I remember thinking […]
Top 5 Posts - April 2015
Welcome to May! Here are my top 5 articles from the month of April: 5. 10 Things Every Wife Needs To Hear From Her Husband by Natalie Snapp 4. Interview With Jeff Goins on Finding Your Calling 3. 5 Ways To Lead An Extrovert If You're An Introvert 2. 3 Thoughts I Had This Year […]
3 Reasons Leaders Should Attend Conferences
Next week, I get the privilege of attending the Orange Conference in Atlanta, GA. This will be my second time there and I couldn't be more excited. There is always great content and the quality of the event is second to none. There will be literally thousands of pastors and church leaders there being equipped […]
5 Ways To Lead an Extrovert If You're an Introvert
Leading someone who is different than you can be difficult. Let's face it, it can even be downright frustrating. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of leading many different people. Extroverts, introverts, creatives, analysts, organizers, salespeople, and the list goes on. The scenario that quickly becomes the most difficult is usually when you […]