The Fine Line Between Leadership Success And Failure
This year's Superbowl was not a letdown. It was full of excitement, lead changes, and it came down to the last play of the game to determine the winner. It had all of the elements that make for a good game. There was even a fight that broke out at the end of the game. […]
Surprise! I'm An Introvert!
Over the past several years, many people have been surprised to find out that I'm an introvert. They see me speak in front of large crowds. I am often engaged in conversation when I'm at an event or gathering. I teach, lead small groups, train, lead meetings...and many other things that are traditionally only attributed […]
Top 5 Posts - January 2015
In the month of January, I had guest posts over on sites like and where the articles I've written garnered views in the six figures and thousands of social shares. It was an amazing month! Here on my blog, I continue to see an increase in the number of people stopping by to […]
Why Introverts Need To Be A Part Of Your Creative Process
Over my career, I've had the fortune to be a part of many meetings. Ok, maybe fortune's not the right word... I should have said that I've been forced to be a part of many meetings. Throughout the years, comments have been made about how quiet I am. People say they wish I would speak […]
The 4 Keys Of Delegation
Any time that we're working with teams, delegation is going to be central to our success. As a parent, we ask our kids to clean up their room or make the bed or brush their teeth. At some point in their lives, we were probably the ones doing those things. But, we want them to […]
5 Reasons I'm Glad I'm An Introvert
You may have noticed that my blog is undergoing a bit of a change. In the last couple of weeks I have decided to focus more of my writing in the direction of what it means to be an introverted leader. In fact, my goal here is to "help introverts maximize their leadership potential." My […]
How To Create Margin In Your Life To Do The Things You Love
I work hard. I bet you do too. The work weeks are long and the hours that we put in at our jobs seem to grow over time. The idea of one person doing the work of two or even three has permeated our culture in the wake of diminishing budgets and lower sales. As […]
6 Attributes of People that Leaders Love to Lead
Let's face it - there are some people that are wonderful to lead...and some who are not. And, as a leader, no one better indicates your ability to be successful than those that you lead. It's important that you hire well, train well, and even fire well. Having a team that functions at a high […]
3 Things That Introverted Leaders Have To Work Harder At To Be Successful
I have written about being an introvert before. It is a label that I am learning to embrace more and more each day. Many years ago I would deny it and work very hard to prove to every one around me that I was an extrovert - which seemed to be a much more appealing […]
5 Risks Every Leader Should Take
I'm considered a very "safe" person. I tend to be very risk averse and only take a chance on something when I've analyzed and calculated it to the extent that it is no longer a risk. It's a magical place to be - full of worry, anxiousness, and procrastination. You should really consider vacationing there […]