
Understanding YOU

One of the best things you can do for those that you lead is to find out more about YOU.  We all operate within a box that is defined by our habits, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations – and if we don’t fully understand how we’re wired, then we will either continue to make the same mistakes over and over OR we will have successes (in relationships, in meeting goals, etc.) and not fully know why thereby lowering the possibility of repeating those successes.

The best place to start is by taking a look at our personality.  Now, there are a number of assessments out there that you can take and they are all valuable in their own way.  The most important part of any personality assessment are the results that you get.  It is vital that it doesn’t just tell you what your personality type is -but that it tells you what it means practically in how you interact with others and how you react to certain situations.

I like simple.  And, I like to be able to conveniently label myself and others.  So, my preferred personality assessment is the DiSC profile.  It puts people into four primary categories – Dominant, Influencer, Steady, and Conscientious.  Of course, there are varying degrees of each one, but it is a way to lump people (and yourself) into one of the four categories.

I will talk about this in future posts – but I am a ‘C’ personality, or conscientious.  This means that I am analytical and a deep thinker.  It also means that I like facts and when a situation doesn’t have adequate research or supporting information, I tend to be skeptical and uncomfortable making solid decisions.  Being a ‘C’ personality also means that I can come across as cold and uncaring.  I’m sure you can already see a number of benefits to knowing all of these things about myself…

The amazing thing about understanding you is that it will have a profound impact on how you interact, not only with a group of employees, but also with your boss, your spouse, and even your children.  And once  you understand you, then I would recommend assessing those that you lead (including spouses and children) and take a look at the compatibility of those relationships.  Once you understand you, you can greatly increase your effectiveness as a leader!

So, what personality assessments have you taken in the past?  Were they accurate?  How were you able to use the information they provided?

6 Comments on “Understanding YOU

  1. I’ve taken several, including DISC, but it’s been many years so I don’t remember my category on that one. I prefer Meyers-Briggs, and am clearly an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging on that one. This knowledge helps me understand that I need personal time to recharge and that public activities can drain my energy, that I rely more on analyzing facts than basing decisions on intuition, etc.

    • Great comments Charles! Of course now that you understand how you’re wired, you now have to take action, right? Which can be the toughest part of knowing something about yourself. I mean, if you know that you need time to recharge – you have to actually find time to do it…which is much easier said than done often. Thanks for giving your thoughts here!

  2. Great post Tim. I’ve heard positive things about the DiSC assessment. It’s probably the only one of the major assessments I’ve yet to take.

    One of the things that I dislike the most about personal assessment inventories and batteries is the level guidance given on how best to process the results. My experience has been that they focus more on internal understanding and function rather the interpretation of the results. Like, “Ok everyone, this is my personality. This is how you should approach me…” I’m interested in those that would help in the reverse.

    In grad school, we completed the Five Factor assessment that, to this day, has been the most complete and thorough assessment that I’ve taken. I’ve used the results in my personal life with my wife and ask those that I’ve supervised professionally to do the same. The results have been extremely helpful.

    On the Myers-Briggs, I’m an ISTJ… Which might help understand my approach to these assessments… 🙂

    • Terry, I agree with what you said about the results! Of course, that’s the most important part of the assessments…but often people use them as excuses for the negative parts of their personality. However, I have found the results that I get from the DiSC profile to be thorough and beneficial. In fact, I remember the results telling me – about those I lead – what they are motivated by or how they react in stressful situations…which is quite helpful to know when leading others. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I just completed the DiSC Assessment, and found it surprisingly accurate. I am an ‘A-type’, describing me as helpful, open, calm and controlled, making me a good listener and someone people often turn-to for advice.
    This is quite accurate of me, as I am told that I am very straight-forward and not afraid to give my honest opinion.
    At 30, I do wish that it was pushed more, as a young person, to figure out how God made us each unique. I feel like I would have spent much more of my life in my late teens and twenties much happier if I had understood the way God made me and not tried so desperately to figure out how society was trying to view me.
    I feel like personality assessments as a whole are vital in the younger mind for us to each come to self-acceptance and satisfaction, as well as finding the path that God has really laid for our lives. Further, I see personality assessments, as a whole, an important factor in student ministry and the ability to reach people where they are.

    • Great points here Christy! I also think that it’s important to know the personality types of those we have relationships with too – it improves the way we interact with one another! As for the unique way God created us, I agree that personality (along with Spiritual gifts, experiences, our passions, and our abilities) point us toward what it is that God wants us to do with our lives to fulfill His mission. Thanks for posting!

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