Guest Post – GLS Blog

Lately, I've been creating some original content for the Global Leadership Summit blog and I want to make sure you are seeing it.  My third article was posted last week and was called "4 Ways That Vision Gets Lost (and How To Get It Back)."  It's an article based on Jim Collins (author of the book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't) talk at the 2015 Summit where he recaps his time that he spent at West Point doing research on Leadership there. As leaders, we are the one's that are responsible for keeping the vision in...

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Survey for the Global Leadership Summit

As I mentioned last week, I will be heading to Chicago to attend the Global Leadership Summit as a part of their Social Media/Blog team.  As I prepare for my time there, I want to make sure that I'm adding value to my readers.  Many bloggers who "live blog" a conference or an event have a very specific format for doing it. But, I don't want to simply do what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it.  I, once again, want to be sure that you are receiving value and that the content I put out...

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Partnership with the Global Leadership Summit

  I couldn't be more excited to announce a special partnership between this site and the Global Leadership Summit (GLS)! More about that in a minute.  If you're not familiar with the Summit, it happens this year on August 11th and 12th and here is a brief description: "The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event telecast LIVE in HD from Willow Creek Community Church’s campus near Chicago every August to hundreds of locations in North America.   You are invited to join an expected 305,000 people committed to getting better as leaders in 2016. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place at...

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