Live Blog from the Re:Group Conference – Quotes from Andy Stanley

Today and tomorrow, I'm at the Re:Group conference in Atlanta, GA.  Re:Group is a 2-day conference on small groups that NorthPoint church puts on each year.  You can find out more about the conference here. The opening session speaker was Andy Stanley, pastor of NorthPoint church.  NorthPoint is a church that was planted by Andy over 20 years ago and has, at it's core, a small group philosophy of growing the church and reaching more people.  Here are some quotes from his opening session talk: Whatever you set as a goal, you’re going to get creative around that goal. We’ve...

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Two Realities Of Leadership That I Wish Weren’t True

Last week I attended a conference for church leaders, pastors, and church planters.  I went looking to be refreshed and encouraged.  I wanted to grow as a leader.  I was hoping to get some new tools to lead and minister better.  I expected to leave the conference energized and excited to get back and get to work...applying the things that I had learned. Those things didn't happen.  But, something else did. I'm not sure if it was the goal of the conference or not, but there were two themes that permeated every speaker's talk.  Two things that they continued to...

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Guest Post – Global Leadership Summit

This week, I had the honor of having a guest post on the Global Leadership Summit's blog.  It is a post called "5 Signs That You've Reached Your Leadership Lid."  The article is connected to one of the Summit's sessions in 2015 where Craig Groeshel, pastor of, talked about expanding your leadership capacity. If you aren't familiar with the Global Leadership Summit, here is some information: "The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event that is telecast LIVE from Willow’s campus near Chicago every August to more than 300 locations in North America. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place...

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