H3 Leadership – New Book by Brad Lomenick

  If you are a leader, you'll want to pay attention. A brand new book that I definitely want you to know about is hot off the press. Many of you are familiar with Catalyst, the innovative and experiential leadership movement that has been going on for now almost 15 years, and now one of America's most influential leadership movements, with conferences and leadership gatherings all around the US. Today is a big day because of the release of the book H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. My good friend Brad Lomenick authors this game changing leadership book, based...

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5 Reasons Change Is Hard

  As a leader, one of the hardest things to do is to lead people through the process of change.  But, the reality is that change is happening around us all the time.  And if we don't change, we'll be left behind.  Change is a function of growth...things/organizations/people cannot grow unless they change.  The paradigm that exists with all change as it relates to people is that the person must decide to change before they will. A leaders job is to inspire and influence the people they lead to create an environment where it is easy to change.  As with...

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3 Ways To Be A Better Public Speaker

  One of my favorite things to do is to speak to a group.  It's mostly because I am a teacher at heart and I really enjoy helping people understand a new idea, deepen their knowledge about a topic, or help them move from point A to point B about a subject.  From a young age I wanted to be a teacher and I have been blessed to be a teacher for most of my career. Teacher?  What?  Tim, you're not a teacher. Similar to leadership, teaching is something that has naturally come with each of my positions.  When I'm...

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