5 Hacks To Increase Your Team’s Consistency

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called 5 Ways To Know If Your Team Is Inconsistent.  If you haven't read it, would you click on the link and check it out? Now that you've evaluated the team that you lead and you've discovered that they're not as consistent as you'd like them to what?  How do I help them become more consistent? Well, I'm glad you asked!  Here are five ways to help increase consistency: Over communicate.  When leading a team, I'm not sure that it's possible to communicate too much.  I'm sure that it is, but...

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How Pastors Should Respond To News Like Ashley Madison

The last couple of weeks have given us insight into everything that's wrong with America all in one news event.  And, no, I'm not talking about the presidential race.  I'm referring to the hacking and subsequent release of the members of the Ashley Madison website - a site that's dedicated to helping married folks have an affair. 37 million names were on this list.  Let that sink in for a moment...37 million.  That means that there are 37 million spouses who took the time to sign up for this site in order to have an affair.  This is proof, as...

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5 Ways That Social Media Is Bad For Us

The social media phenomenon is unbelievable and scary all at the same time.  I really thought after Facebook and Twitter - what else could there be?  But, now there's Periscope!  ...and I'm sure there's many others that I don't know about yet. And, if I'm being honest, I spend far too much time on social media.  I actually made the comment the other day that I could be pretty good at social media if I just spend MORE time on it!  What in the world am I thinking??  If I spent more time on social media, I would have to...

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