5 Ways To Know If Your Team Is Inconsistent

In a world of overload - information overload, option overload, and overload overload - there are very few things that set organizations apart from one another. Making decisions about where we will shop, eat, and even worship are becoming more and more difficult. Who has the best deal?  Where did I have the best experience the last time I was there?  Which comes the most recommended by my friends? The decisions can be difficult and confusing. I believe that those organizations that will survive and thrive have, as their foundation, one principal that helps them succeed and differentiate themselves.  A...

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Top 5 Posts – June 2015

I took most of the month of June off from writing, but people continue to visit the site in large numbers!  Thanks SO much to all of my faithful readers!  I appreciate you!  Here are the top 5 posts during the month of June: 5. Interview With Jeff Goins On Finding Your Calling 4. 10 Quick Truths About Introverts 3. 10 Things Every Wife Needs To Hear From Her Husband By Natalie Snapp 2. 5 Things I Wish I Knew About Marriage BEFORE I Got Married 1. 3 Thoughts I Had This Year On My Birthday Like this post?  Want...

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10 Quick Truths About Introverts

For my Introvert Wednesday post this week, I thought I would simply list 10 things that are true about introverts.  Short and sweet.  And, I'm sure there's many more - so please post any that I've missed in the comment below. 10 quick truths about introverts: 1. We like people. 2. We love to lead others. 3. We don't just prefer time alone, we need time alone. 4. We are quiet because we are thinking, not because we are upset, mad, angry, etc. 5. We can be really good public speakers. 6. We feel like our introversion is something to...

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