5 Ways To Lead an Extrovert If You’re an Introvert

Leading someone who is different than you can be difficult.  Let's face it, it can even be downright frustrating. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of leading many different people.  Extroverts, introverts, creatives, analysts, organizers, salespeople, and the list goes on. The scenario that quickly becomes the most difficult is usually when you are leading someone that could be considered the opposite of you.  It's hard because you find yourself not being able to relate to how they work and not understanding why they do the things they do.  It can often seem as though they're main priority...

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Interview With Jeff Goins On Finding Your Calling

Many years ago, I was working my way through life.  I was moving up the corporate ladder and making good money.  I worked long hours and experienced success.  As the years went by, I thrived in what I was doing and was often told how impressive my quick climb into leadership was.  Life was good.  Or was it? Through those years, I always sensed that something was missing.  It was hard for me to put my finger on exactly, but I didn't feel "complete" in what I was doing...  Then, one day, I discovered what was missing - CALLING! Jeff...

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Top 5 Posts – March 2015

March Madness is coming to an end and Spring is finally in the air!  March was another awesome month for and I owe it all to you!  Thanks so much for being a faithful reader of my blog! Without further adieu, here are the Top 5 Posts from the month of March: 5. 3 Keys To Getting Introverts To Participate In Meetings 4. 5 Things I Wish I Knew About Marriage BEFORE I Got Married 3. The Five Step Method To Failing Well 2. 5 Ways to Succeed As An Introvert At Work 1. 5 Reasons People May Not...

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