Putting Introverts In A Box

Since I've been writing about being an introvert here on my blog, I've received lots of comments and questions.  The introverts quickly speak up to say that they relate to the things I write about.  The extroverts speak up even quicker to criticize and try to move the spotlight back on them...which is where they're used to it being.  :) The support has been amazing and I'm glad that the things I'm writing about are resonating with everyone.  But, what is also happening is that I'm getting a lot of questions about introversion.  From introverts, it tends to be questions...

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The Thing About Critics

We all have them.  Some are more vocal than others.  Some are harsher and meaner than others.  Some have good motives and some have downright mean motives.  Critics.  Haters.  Debbie Downers. They could be the people that post a hateful comment on Facebook about an article you've written on your blog.  They could be the co-worker who shares their opinions about the quality of your work too often.  They could be the person that talks about you behind your back and refuses to talk to you directly.  They are literally all around us. But, here's the thing about critics: you...

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The Fine Line Between Leadership Success And Failure

This year's Superbowl was not a letdown.  It was full of excitement, lead changes, and it came down to the last play of the game to determine the winner.  It had all of the elements that make for a good game.  There was even a fight that broke out at the end of the game.  I was glad that I watched the entire game and stuck with it until the end. As a true Indianapolis Colts fan, I found myself routing for the Seattle Seahawks (sorry Patriots fans).  I even said to my friend who I was watching the game...

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