The 4 Keys Of Delegation

Any time that we're working with teams, delegation is going to be central to our success.  As a parent, we ask our kids to clean up their room or make the bed or brush their teeth.  At some point in their lives, we were probably the ones doing those things.  But, we want them to learn responsibility, so we delegate those tasks to them. In business, our capacity or skill level to do everything that needs to be done is limited.  So, we delegate tasks to those that we lead in order to accomplish the mission of the organization. But,...

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5 Reasons I’m Glad I’m An Introvert

You may have noticed that my blog is undergoing a bit of a change.  In the last couple of weeks I have decided to focus more of my writing in the direction of what it means to be an introverted leader.  In fact, my goal here is to "help introverts maximize their leadership potential."  My posts will remain beneficial for all of my current readers, because whether you're an introvert or extrovert, it's good for everyone to learn about introverts.  Plus, what I write will largely still focus on leadership topics that all leaders will need to consider. So, I...

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How To Create Margin In Your Life To Do The Things You Love

I work hard.  I bet you do too.  The work weeks are long and the hours that we put in at our jobs seem to grow over time.  The idea of one person doing the work of two or even three has permeated our culture in the wake of diminishing budgets and lower sales.  As leaders, we have lots of motivation to put in a ton of hours each week - a better bottom line, fulfilling the mission, and simply getting the job done, to name a few... Because of this, many people struggle to have a real life, doing...

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