6 Attributes of People that Leaders Love to Lead

Let's face it - there are some people that are wonderful to lead...and some who are not.  And, as a leader, no one better indicates your ability to be successful than those that you lead.  It's important that you hire well, train well, and even fire well.  Having a team that functions at a high level makes it much easier for a leader to experience success and help the organization achieve it's goals. I have found that there are some attributes that are common among those that I have had the most pleasure leading.  In fact, these people probably got...

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3 Things That Introverted Leaders Have To Work Harder At To Be Successful

I have written about being an introvert before.  It is a label that I am learning to embrace more and more each day.  Many years ago I would deny it and work very hard to prove to every one around me that I was an extrovert - which seemed to be a much more appealing label. Now that I am welcoming the title of introverted leader, I find myself recognizing and realizing traits that are unique to me because I am an introvert.  One of the things that I've found is that introverted leaders have to work harder at certain...

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5 Risks Every Leader Should Take

I'm considered a very "safe" person.  I tend to be very risk averse and only take a chance on something when I've analyzed and calculated it to the extent that it is no longer a risk.  It's a magical place to be - full of worry, anxiousness, and procrastination.  You should really consider vacationing there sometime. As a leader, we are always one decision away from total failure.  Or at least that's the way I feel most of the time.  This mindset causes me to enjoy the status quo more than I should and rebel against those that try anything...

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