Linked 2 Leadership – Contributing Author

I am excited to announce that I am now a Contributing Author over at Linked 2 Leadership.  What is Linked 2 Leadership?  I'm glad you asked...  Here's a quick description: "Linked 2 Leadership is a group of global professionals dedicated to leadership development, organizational health, and personal & professional growth. This L2L group and site strives to maintain and communicate the highest standards and disciplines involved in personal leadership effectiveness to help build, grow & develop other leaders!" Linked 2 Leadership is a great site and I am honored to be a part of it.  This week, I wrote a post...

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The Most Dangerous Type Of Leader

I am a leader.  There are employees that report to me in a very formal sense.  I give them direction, I influence the work that they do, and I have a direct impact on the tasks that they are assigned.  I am also in charge of different volunteer groups. These are folks who give their time to serve/volunteer to help achieve the mission of our organization.  They look to me to remove obstacles, communicate vital information, and train them to do their jobs effectively. Sometimes I get it wrong.  I forget to communicate some important piece of information.  I miss...

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Flashback Friday – December 5, 2014

This week's Flashback Friday is one from last December.  It focuses on how every organization goes through "busy" seasons and 3 ways to help keep your team motivated during those stressful times.  Enjoy... I work in a church.  There are 2 peak seasons for us - Easter and Christmas.  With it being December, we're in the midst of one of those times.  In retail, it's Black Friday.  In the restaurant biz, it's Valentine's Day.  And so on... There are peak seasons no matter what 'business' you find yourself in.  And it's easy during those times of long hours, impatient 'customers',...

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