Flashback Friday – November 21, 2014

Here's a short post that I wrote last year as we headed into the holiday season.  It was meant as a reminder that, during the holidays, we should remember to thank those that we lead.  Take a look and comment below to let me know how you're going to thank the people that call you leader...   Tis the season... ...for growing a beard... ...for kissing under mistletoe... ...for eating chocolate covered ritz crackers... ...for wearing ugly sweaters... ...for doing things that we only do at this time of year so... about honoring and thanking those that you lead...

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Flashback Friday – November 14, 2014

Here's a post from a year ago where I consider the idea that there's not a one-size-fits-all leadership style and that we shouldn't be so quick to discount ways that others lead that may be different than our own.  Enjoy!   I've never been accused of being too direct in my conversations with others.  Chalk it up to being a pastor's son and a former campaign manager for someone running for state senator, but I've just developed this knack for communicating with people without employing a very direct tone and posture.  And, I've found it to be successful for me...

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Top 50 Leaders In Leadership Blogging

This week I had the very humbling honor of being listed as a Top 50 Leader in Leadership Blogging over at Charles Specht's blog.  This is an especially high honor because this is an objective listing of leadership bloggers as ranked by their Alexa score.  According to Charles' site, the ranking is explained in this way: "The list of top leaders is ranked in order according to their Alexa rank. Alexa’s traffic rankings are based on the usage patterns of Alexa Toolbar users and data collected from other, diverse sources over a rolling 3-month period. A site’s ranking is based on...

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