Top 5 Posts – October, 2014

The month of October was one of the best months for my blog! Not only did I celebrate the one year anniversary of blogging, but I also had one of the highest traffic months in that year. So, here are the top 5 posts for the month of October: 5. 7 Ways To Stop Wasting Time And Get More Done 4. 6 Things That Surprised Me In My First Year Of Writing 3. What My Son's First Grade Math Homework Taught Me About Cheating 2. How To Fail As A Coach Even When Your Team Is Winning 1. 3 Thoughts I...

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Flashback Friday – October 31, 2014

For this installment of Flashback Friday - on Halloween - I'm bringing back the focus to YOU.  It's a post called Understanding YOU...enjoy!   One of the best things you can do for those that you lead is to find out more about YOU.  We all operate within a box that is defined by our habits, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations - and if we don't fully understand how we're wired, then we will either continue to make the same mistakes over and over OR we will have successes (in relationships, in meeting goals, etc.) and not fully know why thereby...

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Top 10 Posts In My First Year Of Blogging

In honor of my one year anniversary as a blogger/writer, I wanted to compile the list of the top 10 most-read posts on my blog: 10. I'm So Sorry You're An Introvert 9. How I Survived Being A Pastor's Kid And What You Can Learn From It 8. Five Leadership Lessons From A Stay At Home Mom 7. The One Question I Get At Lunch That Ruins My Day 6. A Great Tool For Any Leader - Wunderlist 5. Honoring Your Wife 4. 3 Relationships That Keep First Time Guests Attending Your Church 3. 10 Daily Habits Of Highly Productive...

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