How To Turn Your Biggest Critic Into Your Biggest Fan

Years ago, I worked at an organization where I stepped into a situation that was not in my favor.  I was following a leader who had been there for years and was dearly loved by his team.  It was my responsibility to take over for him, not mess up the wonderful results that he had achieved, and take the team to the next level.  I wasn't a new leader and I was confident in my ability to achieve results.  I was excited for the opportunity and ready to get to work. Then, I met the team. This team was loyal...

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Flashback Friday – October 24, 2014

It's FLASHBACK FRIDAY!!!!!!  Here's a post from the early days of my blog that got a lot of traffic and was even featured on a top 10 list!  Check it out:   Ok, so you blew it.  Today wasn't the day that you had in mind and you fell short in some way.  Whether it was an important deadline that you missed, criticism from your boss or that one child that seemed to never stop crying all day long, we all have bad days at work and at home.  The question is - what are you going to do about...

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6 Things That Surprised Me In My First Year As A Writer

Almost one year ago, on Friday, October 25, 2013, I tweeted this: Today's the day! Launching my new blog in a few hours!! #bloglaunch #dayone I remember sitting in Starbucks feeling anxious, excited, and sick all at the same time.  It was a way of putting myself out there unlike anything I had ever done.  Sure, I had the support of my wife and a few close friends, but I was fearful that it would fail...that I would fail. But, here I am one year later and I'm proud to say that I'm still at it.  There have been some...

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