A few days ago, I was honored to have an article I wrote published at Macaroni Kid. It was an article on dating your kids and how to maximize the impact. If you're not familiar with Macaroni Kid, here is a little more info: Macaroni Kid and its family of Publisher Moms are dedicated to delivering the scoop on all the family-friendly events and activities happening in their communities each week. Check out Macaroni Kid's list of communities and sign up to receive your free weekly newsletter. It all started with two old friends sharing a good meal and a...
The One Difference Between Dating And Hiring
I have hired employees for almost 18 years now. In fact, I hired my wife to work for me. That's right, I used to be my wife's boss!! She hated me... She tells the story often that I was the worst boss she ever worked for...she may be right! It was back in 1997 and we weren't married. She and I had went to school together since I was in 2nd grade - but we didn't know each other. Well, I knew who she was, but she didn't know me at all. Her resume came across my desk and I knew...
Flashback Friday – October 17, 2014
Now that I am one week away from my one year anniversary of launching my blog, I am going to begin bringing back some of my older blog posts. I will be calling this FLASHBACK FRIDAYS!! For the first one, I'm re-posting the very first post on my blog called "Leadership Is Influence." Enjoy! It's important as we lay the groundwork for getting better at leading others, that we attempt a definition of the word leadership. Of course, it's been defined over and over by many leadership experts - and I'm not going to attempt to compete with what...