I have been in leadership for many years now and there are many lessons that I've learned over that time. How to handle change, how to communicate tough things, how to analyze processes and improve them, how to motivate different types of people, and the list goes on and on. But there is one lesson that has been on my mind a lot lately and I have been wanting to share on here for some time. Leaders MUST keep secrets. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of secrets that hurt the organization or, when found out, means the loss...
How To Structure One-On-One Meetings To Maximize Value
Leadership requires us to invest in our people - communicate things to them, teach them, facilitate their success, etc. One of the best ways that I've found to do this in a formal way is through my one-on-one meetings. There are some structural things that help me to maximize the value of these one-on-ones for me: Meet regularly - for some employees, this is weekly...for others it is bi-weekly or even once a month. But, they need to be scheduled regularly and predictably. In other words, if they're weekly, plan them at the same time and on the same day...
The One Proven Method To Overcome Perfectionism Once And For All
I'm a perfectionist. There, I said it. It's a problem that I battle most days of my life. At home...at work...in relationships...literally everywhere. And, if you fight this battle, you know that it can have a profound impact on your life and the way that you work and live. But, there is hope! I have discovered a way to overcome perfectionism and it works for me every single time that I decide to use this method. Here it is: JUST DO IT! I know. I know. Ground breaking. Life changing. I'm a genius. I appreciate the accolades. But, let me...