10 Leadership Thoughts from the Indy 500

Today is the Indy 500.  I live in it's kind of a big deal around here.  There are people I know that will be at the race.  I've never been, and I'm ok with that, really.  I've been to a few of the qualifying rounds that lead up to the race and that's enough of a glimpse to let me know that it's not my thing.  But, as I've thought about the race, there are a few leadership thoughts and lessons that I think can be pulled from the Indy 500: Sometimes you have to go in circles before...

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Staring at a Blank Page

I like to go to Starbucks to write my blog posts. I am often there on Friday’s writing and getting caught up on things for my other business, The Sunday Punch Team. They have coffee, wifi, tables and chairs, and many other necessary things to accomplish my goals for the day. But, as I sat there last Friday, something different happened. I found myself staring at a blank page for most of the time I was there. An opened Word document that was full of possibilities…but no content. I often heard it said, for writers, that when you face the...

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The Stories We Tell Ourselves

One of my favorite Bible verses is found at 2 Corinthians 10.  Paul is writing to a church in ancient times and he tells them, among other things, to "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ."  Here we see him addressing one of the biggest battles that we all must face - the battle of the mind. You see, we tell ourselves all kinds of stories.  Stories about ourselves.  Stories about our spouses or children or family.  Stories about our friends, our church, or even our pastor.  And stories that we tell about complete strangers that we...

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