Guest Post on

Last week, I was honored to have a guest post published on  If you're not familiar with the Catalyst Conference, here is a description of their history and current mission (from "Catalyst was conceived as a Next Generation Leaders Conference in 1999 by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, John Maxwell, Lanny Donoho and several young leaders. Catalyst was created to meet the felt need that existed within the church leader space for a leadership event that was focused on a new generation of church leaders. Everything within this space seemed built around a forty to sixty year old mindset...

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Leadership Fail

A number of years ago, I had to let an employee go.  I’m not really sure at what point we moved away from using the term “firing” and started using “letting them go.”  It almost makes it seem as though we’re scared to call things what they are.  Or, saying that we’re letting someone go makes us feel better about our decision because it sounds like we’re opening the front door and releasing them much like we would a butterfly. But, this employee had not been performing well in their job for many months and it was probably a decision...

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Honoring Your Wife

We made it.  Another Valentine’s Day!  It seems as though it’s been at least a year since the last one.  But, we’re here… This is one of those days that men dread.  I mean we love the holiday and the meaning behind it, but there’s all kind of pressure to do something special for your wife – take her out for a nice (expensive) dinner, buy her roses and candy, take her on some kind of special trip out of town.  And there are many men that will do those things today and do them well.  But, there are also...

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