Working Remotely

I have been getting up early recently and heading over to Starbucks to try and get some writing done before I head into work for the day.  I get there around 5:30 or 6:00am and spend some time sipping coffee and working on several writing projects that I have going on right now.  It has been a refreshing time for me. But, it reminds me of when I used to work remotely.  At my previous job, I was a Regional Dean.  I oversaw the academics departments of 6 college campuses and so I traveled a lot and didn’t have an...

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The Value Of Unplugging

Yesterday at lunch, my wife laid down the challenge.  She drew the line in the sand.  She called me out.  She told me I need to do a better job of unplugging when I get home from work. I guess live tweeting dinner has to stop.  I guess checking Facebook every 10 seconds as if Andy Stanley was going to finally send me that Friend Request is no longer acceptable.  I guess posting selfies to Instagram like it’s my J O B needs to come to an end.  I guess checking email like I’m expecting the President to ask me...

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Saying I’m Sorry

I have 3 kids – a son who’s 6, a daughter who’s 4, and another son who’s 2.  As you can imagine, my home can be chaotic.  I have found that when I get home from work each day, not only does my wife need my attention, but all 3 of my kids do too.  That means that after a day where I’ve interacted with several people, sat in many different meetings, and responded to dozens of emails – I then need to be prepared to give my family my full attention.  This can be much easier said than done…...

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