My Personal Goals for 2014

Yesterday, I wrote about my goals for parenting in 2014.  This post is about my personal goals outside of parenting for 2014.  Let me know what you think! Read 1 book per month – I am not a reader by nature.  I watch people who are able to read book after book with amazement much in the same way I watch people in the circus.  I think of them as somewhat freakish while secretly wanting to be more like them.  Weird…I know. All I’m saying is that it takes a lot for me to read an entire book, much less...

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My Parenting Goals for 2014

Being a good father is one of the most important things to me.  I want my kids to have a firm foundation and to know that they are loved and that I am very proud of them.  Most days I feel like I fail at this…but I want 2014 to be a better year in how I relate to and raise my 3 children.  So, here are my 4 goals: Date nights with each of my children and wife – I used to do this, but got away from it due to the busyness of life.  With the 4 of...

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5 Ways to Make Sure You Don’t Hit Your Goals in 2014

Don’t write them down – I mean, who needs to write stuff down??  My memory was good enough for me to pass that geometry test in high school, so it’s good enough for me now…  Plus, if I write it down, I’ll have to see it every day and be reminded of my goal(s). Writing down your goals helps you keep focused on the long journey ahead of you.  It makes the goal real and not just something you thought of one day that would be a good idea.  And, in addition to writing them down, post them where you...

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