The Big Christmas Letdown of 2013

The ham has been eaten.  The presents have been unwrapped.  The overly-difficult-need a PhD-to-assemble toys have been assembled.  All of your family has been visited.  And then it happens.  Every year… The Big Christmas Letdown. It’s like a drug addict going through withdrawal after being off of drugs for 24 hours.  It’s like the feeling you have when your favorite sitcom just completed its series finale.  It’s that feeling of finishing the box of fruit loops. It can come as feelings of disappointment, discouragement, hopelessness, or even depression.  And it happens at the end several life events – birthdays, vacations,...

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5 Keys to Giving Feedback

As a leader, giving feedback should be as natural and normal as drinking a cup of coffee every morning.  Those that you lead expect that you'll tell them how they're doing.  You should want to give them feedback because it's the only way that they'll get better and make steps toward improvement. So, here are 5 keys to giving feedback: 1. Feedback includes positive things, too.  It's easy to fall into the rut of thinking that feedback should only come when someone does something wrong.  There are many advantages to delivering positive feedback as much as or even more than...

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You’ve Just Been…Complimented

"Tim, here's a raise."  "Tim, here's a bonus."  "Tim, your annual performance review is exemplary."  "Tim, you did an excellent job on that project."  "Tim, great job saving that baby from the house that was on fire." Ok, that last one may not be entirely true... But, I struggle to fully accept compliments and pats on the back.  When they come my way, I immediately say 'thank you', but the truth is that I don't believe I deserve them.  I find myself thinking in those moments thinking things like: It went well because of someone else It went well, but...

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