Two Questions

I'm not sure how to be a parent.  I wish there was an easy-to-follow app that I could install on my iPhone that would tell me what to do on days 1 through 6,570 that I get with each of my kids until they turn 18. But I've searched...a lot...and there's not.  So, I'm winging it.  The one area of my life that I feel most like an imposter...and the one that has the most consequences if it doesn't go well. As the leader in my home, I am counted on by my wife and my children to lead well. ...

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Imposter – The Finale

I like using words like finale in my makes me feel smart.  It's the kind of thing that people read and then they think to themselves "this guy must have been a child prodigy when he was younger."  And that gives me the warm and fuzzy feeling that only grandma's chocolate chip cookies from my childhood could give. But, isn't that at the essence of what being an imposter is about?  We're living this life that feels like we're playing a part in a movie and soon someone's going to yell "cut" and then people will finally see the...

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