To Be or Not To Be

I've never been accused of being too direct in my conversations with others.  Chalk it up to being a pastor's son and a former campaign manager for someone running for state senator, but I've just developed this knack for communicating with people without employing a very direct tone and posture.  And, I've found it to be successful for me as a leader. Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for directness - and I've had to do it's just not my every day way of communicating.  And, I am not suggesting that leaders do not address mistakes...

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I’m That Guy…

    Since launching my blog a little over a month ago, I have had 2 good friends launch blogs and have had many conversations with others about how to launch or improve their blogs.  It has been an interesting experience for me and one that has presented itself in other forms previously. I know that I think about things differently than most...or do I?  Check out my blog post called imposter and see if that's you too.  According to the feedback I've gotten, I must be a pretty average, common kind of guy. But here's the reality: I'm THAT...

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Leadership for the Rest of Us – Part 4

Here is the final installment of the series Leadership for the Rest of Us.  If you've missed the first 3 parts, check them out here: part 1  part 2  part 3   9. Have Confidence.  These may seem a little silly, but so many leaders that I come across lack confidence either in small part or large part.   Often, having confidence is confused with not having humility - and that couldn't be further from the truth.  There is a humble type of confidence, although it's a balance, that can be found...and must be found.  People respond well to confidence, but...

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