It's important as we lay the groundwork for getting better at leading others, that we attempt a definition of the word leadership. Of course, it's been defined over and over by many leadership experts - and I'm not going to attempt to compete with what has already been written. I once had a pastor/leader that I deeply admired tell me that when he's writing a sermon that he tries to write so that a young child could understand it. That way he knew that just about anyone could understand what he was trying to convey. So, I would define leadership...
Welcome to my blog!!
It is my hope with this blog to provide helpful content as you lead, not only at the workplace, but also at home with your children and family as well as those places that you volunteer and spend your time influencing others. Leadership is an opportunity to pour into the lives of others while making a positive difference in this world - and I take it seriously! I will be providing, from time to time, anecdotes from my own leadership journey as well as some practical thoughts that will hopefully make you think differently about the way you lead. I...