GLS 2017 Day One – Bill Hybels Session Notes

This year, I'm attending The Global Leadership Summit from the satellite location at my home church in Avon, IN.  Once again, I'm sharing my notes from this excellent event here on my blog.  So, tune in for the next 2 days and catch the notes from each of the speakers. It’s my hope that these notes will not only add value to you as a leader, but also give you some practical ideas to share the notes with your team.  Lastly, head over to my Facebook page to join in on the conversation and let’s share our favorite quotes and take-aways there! The Global...

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Global Leadership Summit 2017

On Thursday and Friday, the church that I lead will be a first-time host site for The Global Leadership Summit.  This annual event is one that I've written about before and is my most impactful leadership development of the year.  I can't wait to hear from each of the speakers and grow my own leadership over the 2 days. Here's a brief description from their website: The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event that is telecast LIVE from Willow's campus near Chicago every August to more than 550 locations in North America. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place...

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3 Ways to Become a Terrible Leader

We've all worked for terrible leaders.  The bosses that made us want to quit.  The manager that forced us to rethink our entire life plan.  The supervisor that drove insane and caused an emotional breakdown. I remember one leader that I worked for that I would definitely call terrible.  In the words of Charles Barkley - he was "turrible."  I didn't want to work when he was working.  I was filled with anxiety on the way to work unsure of what he was going to do and how he was going to make me feel.  He was mean, sarcastic, and...

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