I have been getting up early recently and heading over to Starbucks to try and get some writing done before I head into work for the day. I get there around 5:30 or 6:00am and spend some time sipping coffee and working on several writing projects that I have going on right now. It has been a refreshing time for me. But, it reminds me of when I used to work remotely. At my previous job, I was a Regional Dean. I oversaw the academics departments of 6 college campuses and so I traveled a lot and didn’t have an...
The Value Of Unplugging
Yesterday at lunch, my wife laid down the challenge. She drew the line in the sand. She called me out. She told me I need to do a better job of unplugging when I get home from work. I guess live tweeting dinner has to stop. I guess checking Facebook every 10 seconds as if Andy Stanley was going to finally send me that Friend Request is no longer acceptable. I guess posting selfies to Instagram like it’s my J O B needs to come to an end. I guess checking email like I’m expecting the President to ask me...
Saying I’m Sorry
I have 3 kids – a son who’s 6, a daughter who’s 4, and another son who’s 2. As you can imagine, my home can be chaotic. I have found that when I get home from work each day, not only does my wife need my attention, but all 3 of my kids do too. That means that after a day where I’ve interacted with several people, sat in many different meetings, and responded to dozens of emails – I then need to be prepared to give my family my full attention. This can be much easier said than done…...